Our happiness is immense since the group English5-Prepa1UNAM-2012-2013 of our friends from Mexico came first place at a school competition among other classes. Let's keep our fingers crossed as they are competing against nine others schools at a national forum. Our small contribution affected the judges' decision positively, granting the girls who created the podcast Episode 2- Christmas first prize, earned most worthily with a top 100% score.
Congratulations to the participants and we would like to wish them all the best at the forum! Their wonderful teacher Ma. Elena Delgado is responsible for the orchestration of her students' project and the brief involvement of our school. She is a bright beacon of inspiration and I feel so lucky to have-even virtually- met her!
Congratulations Prepa 1 and keep up the good work!
Congratulations to the participants and we would like to wish them all the best at the forum! Their wonderful teacher Ma. Elena Delgado is responsible for the orchestration of her students' project and the brief involvement of our school. She is a bright beacon of inspiration and I feel so lucky to have-even virtually- met her!
Congratulations Prepa 1 and keep up the good work!
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