Sunday, 29 September 2013



The Disabled Access Friendly campaign has teamed up with ELT Teacher 2 Writer and Burlington Books to bring you this opportunity to use your worksheet writing skills to inform students about issues affecting people with mobility disability.

All suitable entries will be published online on Disabled Access Friendly’s site, which is visited by ELT colleagues from over 120 countries.

There will be three prizes:
200 Euros towards the cost of professional development, such as an online writing course or participation at an ELT event (kindly sponsored by Burlington Books)
100 Euros towards the cost of professional development, such as an online writing course or participation at an ELT event (kindly sponsored by Burlington Books)
A set of six ELT Teacher 2 Writer modules:
How To Write Vocabulary Presentations And Practice
How To Write Reading And Listening Activities
How To Write Critical Thinking Activities
How To Write ESP Materials
How To Write Graded Readers
How ELT Publishing Works
What is the Disabled Access Friendly campaign?
Disabled Access Friendly is a voluntary campaign that provides ELT teachers with online material that raises awareness about mobility disability. All this material is completely free. The site has lesson plans, reading texts and video clips at all levels that can be used as supplementary material, for projects and examination practice. The material allows teachers to provide insight and information about life as a person with a mobility disability, thus building pathways for caring and action. By stepping into someone else’s shoes, the students explore their own and other people’s attitudes and become aware while learning English.

What is ELT Teacher 2 Writer?
ELT Teacher 2 Writer is a database of ELT teachers who want to write. Publishers search this database when they’re looking for writers. It is also a series of training modules designed to help teachers write better ELT materials, either for publication or to improve the quality of their self-produced classroom materials.

What are the competition guidelines?
1. You choose the mobility related topic, language area and level. For ideas we suggest you look at Disabled Access Friendly’s reading texts, video clips and lesson plans, and read disability blogs and published articles.
2. Find the full writing guidelines here.

Who are the judges?
Adir Ferreira, teacher, teacher trainer and content writer
Disabled Access Friendly campaign
ELT Teacher 2 Writer
How to submit your entry
Entries should be submitted electronically as a word doc. attachment to:

Please save your file as follows:
Your surname, Your first name. Title of worksheet e.g.
Smith, Susan. My wheelchair friend
Entries to reach us by the closing date of 16th December 2013

This is the actual link

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Just like you, just like me. A follow up note.

I had the great honor to offer a small contribution to the Disabled Access Friendly Campaign website. Last March, my students and I dedicated about two weeks of our learning time to educated ourselves about disabilities

Then, this past September, I grabbed the opportunity to talk about it to quite a few colleagues and school owners at the IP Book Exhibition of Thessaloniki. I quickly discovered that many of them were interested in finding out more about this wonderful campaign. I cannot express the sense of joy and pleasure I felt when I got the good news that more and more teachers got interested in the campaign. 

Please, visit the site and borrow ideas, lesson plans and useful advice on how to improve the facilities of the school you own or you work in. Take a small step towards a meaningful course of action which will not only help and educate our students, but also ourselves!

Now would be the time to try and make a difference and really offer a round-up education to our students, and what would be a greater opportunity than begin with this one?! It won't be easy at first, but the acceptance will most certainly surprise you! Give it a try and you will not regret it!

Monday, 2 September 2013

Εγγραφές σχολικής χρονιάς 2013-2014

Ξεκινήσαμε τις εγγραφές με τις καλύτερες των διαθέσεων! 

Μπορείτε να περάσετε καθημερινά για ενημέρωση σχετικά με τα τμήματα Αγγλικών, Ιταλικών, Γερμανικών, Γαλλικών και Ισπανικών για τα παιδιά σας, αλλά γιατί όχι, και για εσάς τους ίδιους! 

Θα χαρούμε να σας πληροφορήσουμε για όλα τα εκπαιδευτικά μας προγράμματα, να σας ξεναγήσουμε στους χώρους διδασκαλίας και να συζητήσουμε για τις προσφορές μας, χωρίς να κρύβουμε πληροφορίες σε ψιλά γράμματα!

Το φροντιστήριο είναι ανοιχτό καθημερινά το πρωϊ 10:00 - 12: 30 και το απόγευμα 5:30 - 8:30. 

Μη διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας για ο,τιδήποτε επιθυμείτε να μάθετε!

Η γνώση είναι απο τα πολυτιμότερα εφόδια στη σημερινή εποχή που ζούμε! Σκοπός μας είναι ο μαθητής να αποκτήσει αυτό που επιθυμεί ερχόμενος στο φροντιστήριό μας:
τη γνώση μιας ξένης γλώσσας για μια ζωή!  

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